There are many documented causations for addictions. You may wonder why I refer to the phenomenon as "Addictions?" Well, addiction is all the same, whether it's food, drugs, gambling, sex, alcohol work or pornography there is only one drug that is causing the high. "Dopamine". Whatever is being used is differs in how much, how fast and at what rate it causes the release of dopamine in the brain. The cause of addiction can be summed up in this statement: "addictions begin as people make the decisions to not take care of their emotional and mental health ". Whether it's trauma, difficult experiences, refusal or avoidance of dealing with uncomfortable or difficult feelings & emotions. Everytime a person avoids dealing life, or reality it causes emotional and psychological damage. This damaged yurns to be quieted or soothed. And this is where addictions come in. To learn more please join our group.